Lutheran Synod 1910
10 March 1910.
As reported in the Advertiser 12 March 1910.
On Sunday last the South Australian district of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Australia assembled at Carlsruhe for its annual meeting. Services were held in the local church, of which the Rev. J. Homann is pastor. The morning services were conducted by Rev. H. Harms, of Blumberg. At the mission festival in the afternoon the Rev. E. Schulz, of Appila-Yarrowie, and Rev, B. Schwarz, of Denial Bay, West Coast, preached.
In his address, Professor Winkler, of Concordia College, Unley, impressed upon his hearers the importance of supporting the college and seminary from which the supply of evangelical Lutheran ministers and teachers is to be drawn. At present most of the ministers are called from America.
Special singing during both services was rendered by the church choir, under the conductorship of Mr F. Beck, the local teacher. The first session of the Synod opened at 9.30 on Monday morning. The President (the Rev. T. Nickel, of Eudunda) read the report of the Church Council. This showed progress in every department, so that at present this district comprises 81 congregations, 25 pastors, 7,689 souls, 1,622 voting members, 5,140 communicants, and 40 schools, attended by 1,048 children, in charge of 40 teachers; £2,292 were raised by voluntary contribution for church purposes during 1909.
This sum is exclusive of all money collected by congregations for payment of salaries, the building of churches and schools and their upkeep. During the last two years one minister was called from America, and one from Germany, and Professor Winkler from New Zealand. At least three ministers will arrive from America during the present year.
The president referred feelingly to the death of Mr W. Starick, who had served the church for over 25 years in the capacity of teacher. The Church Council had decided to acquire the church property offered to the congregation in Gawler, and to authorise the printing of 5,000 additional Synodical hymn-books. The report of the Church Council was adopted.
The following ministers and teachers answered to the roll call: The Revs. T. Nickel, Eudunda; H. Alpers, Mannum; E. Appelt, Murray Bridge; E. Fischer. Perth, Western Australia; D. W. Georg, Australian Plains; J. Georg, Rosenthal; J. E. Hansen, Bright; H. Harms, Blumberg; J. Homann, Waterloo; H. Hoopmann, Yorketown; W. Janzow, Adelaide; H. Kempe, Balaklava; G. Koch. Malvern; E. Schulz, Booleroo Centre; B. Schwarz, Denial Bay; W. Schwarz, Eudunda; J. Thiel, Morgan; M. T. Winkler, Malvern: and W. Zschech Black Hill.
Teachers, Messrs C. F. Beck, Waterloo; J. Bormann, Rosenthal: C. Brauer, Lobethal; W. P. Eckermann Eudunda; J. Hansen, Eudunda; B. Hoff, Monarto; W. Hoffmann, Adelaide: O Hubner, sen Hahndorf; E. Koch, Bower; C. Kuchel Peter's Hill; M. Linke, Koonibba; R. Loecbez. Neale's Flat; E Schmidt, Mannum; and F. Wotzke, Mount Torrens. There were 75 delegates, and a large number of guests from all parts of Australia.
Professor G. Koch, of Concordia College, Malvern, concluded the exhaustive treatise on secret societies, which was begun at Hahndorf at the last meeting of the Synod. He argued that the lodge members as such were joined together in a close bond of brotherhood by oaths or similar pledges; that secret societies, as such, carefully excluded Christ the Saviour in their rituals, and acknowledged only a "Supreme Being" the "Architect of the Universe," but not the Triune God; and that no member of such a secret society should be admitted to the Lord's Supper. The delegates unanimously declared this to be their conviction.
At the instance of the Chairman, a motion was passed, expressing sympathy wih the family of the late Mr W. Starick, also with the former pastor of this parish, Rev E. Homann, whose failing health prevented him from attending the sessions.
The Rev. E. Appels reported on the progress made in the parish of Murray Bridge and mission field in the Pinnaroo district. Churches had been built in Murray Bridge at a cost of £350, at Lameroo for £120, and Pinnaroo £400.New congregations had been formed at Pinnaroo and Marmon Jabuk. The membership of all congregations had increased satisfactorily. The necessity of a resident minister at Pinnaroo was pointed out, and a request for slight financial assistance was granted.
Pastor Zscheck reported that the parish of Black Hill consisted of nine congregations, some of which had lost many members through the emigration of farmers to new country. The congregation at Rhine Villa, consisting of 15 families, had decided to build a new church at a cost of £300. As several of the congregation are situated in the new hundreds east of the Murray, it was necessary to make long trips per buggy over rough and sandy roads, and he asked Synod to render assistance in addition to that which the Rev. W. Schwarz had rendered in the past.
The Rev. T. E. Hansen reported that five of his congregation between Bower and Loxton had been taken over by Pastor Thiel, of Morgan. Four of the seven remaining, one had parochial schools. The parish numbered 500 souls, who in the past two years collected £2,500 for salaries, Synodial contributions, and the building of churches at Brinkworth, Kapunda, Allan's Creek and Blyth. Of the nine churches, three, were free of debt.
The Rev. Schulz, of Booleroo Centre, reported that the most important feature in his parish was the founding of a congregation at Laura. When Rev. B Schwarz was called to the West Coast, the only congregation in his charge was Denial Bay, but since then five more congregations had been formed.
Pastor Thiel's report showed that the congregations at Bower and Eba gave no promise of numerical advance, but the same could not be said of the Murray congregations at New Residence and Moorook. The church erected at the former place only a few years ago had become too small, and a new building was to be erected at Moorook.
The report of the City Mission showed that the work of Pastors Janzon and Dorsch had been blessed, and the hospitals, Lunatic Asylum, Home of Incurables. Consumptive Home, and other public institutions had been visited and services held. A general view of the Mission work in Western Australia was given by Pastor Fischer, of Perth.
Mission work among the aborigines has made rapid strides, the congregation members at present numbering over 50. Altogether about 150 natives are at present on the Mission station, employment being found on the farm for the men. Two natives, specially gifted young men, are being prepared for missionary work. They are receiving their primary education at the hands of Rev. G. A. Wiebuseh, the missionary, and Mr M. Linke, the teacher.
The Mission station comprises about 12,000 acres. Last year the harvest returned 2,631 bags of wheat, averaging 17 bushels, while the total this year is 2.143 bags, an average of 12 bushels. Each year 100 tons of hay were cut. In consequence of these good returns practically all expenses in connection with the work in this mission have been paid.
The work devolving on the missionary and his assistant, the teacher, is so great that Synod decided to call a second missionary. Applications for admission to Synod were received from and granted to Rev B. Schwarz; and as teachers, to Messrs Krichauff, Koch and Wachtel; and the congregations at Gawler and Marmon Jabuck.
It was decided that it was advisable not to send calls direct to candidates in America, but to allow them to be advised by the church council. The election of officers resulted as follows:-Church council. Revs Th. Nickel (president of Svnod), J. Homann, W. Janzon. and H. Harms, and Messrs F G.E. Appelt, W. Sieber, J. Noske, and G. Cramp; mission board, Revs H. Harms T. Nickel, J. Homann, A. Brauer and Messrs F. G. E. Appelt, J. Temme, G. Gramp, W. Muller, and A. Mattiske 'auditors. Messrs. Theo. Marks and E. Fischer; treasurers, Messrs F. G. E Appelt and G. Gramp; secretary, Rev. J. Homann. The ladies daily provided refreshments.